

This shall be a place to share thoughts and practices in serving the Gaelic War Goddesses, primarily Badb, Macha and An Morrígan, whose name is Anand; as well as Nemain and Fea; known in various combinations as Bé Néit….  I am keeping this focused on these Goddesses collectively, as there is much overlap and often confusion about how They might interrelate.

This project won’t be able to continue if I lose my home, this has been actual work, unpaid work. So you might want to consider a tip:

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About this site  | The War Goddesses -The Morrígan, Badb and Macha

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Essays on War Goddesses and the Warrior Path

These are no longer available in PDF, except for “Warriors of the Horse Goddess”

“The Hounds Betwixt and Between: Cú Chulainn and Finn as Liminal Heroes” –  Air n-Aithesc Vol. 4  Issue 2, Lughnasadh/Samhain 2017  –  The two most famous heroes of Ireland, one often claimed to be a “hero inside the tribe” the other a “hero outside the tribe,” yet both represent the Outlaw Warrior standing on the edge.  An earlier, shorter version appeared as “The Hero Betwixt and Between” in  Keltria Journal #43 -“Heroes & Heroines”, 2013 

“There Was Not Found a Man to Withstand Her” –
Air n-Aithesc Vol. 3 Issue 2, Lughnasadh/Samhain 2017 – Aife and Éachtach, those women who could not be beaten in a fair fight, even by the greatest warriors.

“The War Goddess’s Bitch
“- Air n-Aithesc Vol. 3 Issue 1, Imbolc/Bealtaine 2016 – Some things about female shapeshifters and canine-warriors, as well as some of my own experiences on this path

“Warriors for the Horse Goddess”
  –   Air n-Aithesc Vol. 2 Issue 2, Lughnasadh/Samhain 2015  on serving Macha by fighting for horse welfare, includes both research on such Goddesses and personal experience.

“Musings on the Irish War Goddesses”
– originally published in By Blood, Bone and Blade: A Tribute to the Morrígan, Nicole Bonivusto, ed,  Asheville, NC: Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 2014

“‘By Force in the Battlefield’: Finding the Irish Female Hero”  – Air n-Aithesc Vol. 1 Issue 1, Imbolc 2014 Women warriors in  Irish literature are often antagonists or, at best, aids to the male hero. This looks at a few who are heroes of their own stories.

“Going into Wolf Shape” – Air n-Aithesc Vol. 1 Issue 1, Imbolc 2014 – A look at the connections between warriors and canines, both wolf and dogs , in Irish culture, looking at possible proto-Indo-European roots suggested by recent archaeological finds.

Muimme naFiann: Foster-mother of Heroes”  – Air n-Aithesc Vol. 1 Issue 2, Lughnasadh 2014  – A look at Scáthach, Bodbmall, Líath Lúachra (and other names used for Finn’s foster-mothers) and how their stories can inspire women, especially older women, involved in fénnidecht

“Chase to Nowhere: Thoughts on Fénnidecht Rites of Passage”
  – Air n-Aithesc Vol. 2 Issue 1, Imbolc/Bealtaine 2015 -Exploring evidence for the very non-linear rites of passage into and out of the wilderness warbands and how we might use this today.

Online writing that might be of interest

The Celtic Hound

The Horse Amongst the Celts


Wolf based on Newbigging Leslie stone sketch copyright © 2002 Aaron Miller