Getting back “on program”

After an active rest followed by a deep blow to my life (if you’re reading this in a personal blog, you know about this already…but this is cross-posted), I want to say that as of tonight I am returning to my fitness program. Other training, however, may still have to wait.

For the past few of weeks the only exercise I’ve had has been cleaning stalls, hauling hay (and not much), loading wood stoves and walking patrols at work. Tonight I did some chin ups, push ups and crunches. It’s a start, considering I’m also not sleeping well and am just plain emotionally exhausted.

I’m posting this mostly because by doing so I know I gotta stick with it. And because, perhaps for the first time in my life really, I need motivation.

Time is going to be an issue for the running, but I might have to just add a small horse (with a choice of three, with a fourth one possible if he starts getting healthier….I’m not trying this with my filly right now) to my run rather than longeing them. That should be, um, entertaining? Especially for the dog.

Fight training of any kind, especially regular martial arts classes are just out right now. I had actually hoped that we might be able to swing once a week classes, but those are over an hour away from here and with our extra work load at home there is no way. I do have some firearms classes coming up next year and had planned to refresh my tracking skills a bit…however, the latter I might just send my mate to alone, as one of us does have to be here and, honestly, with a daytime schedule he’ll be up for a multi-day workshop more than I will, and have him help get my skills back up. The shooting stuff I’ll get too…one day classes I can do. I think…uh, not looking forward to the driving AND staying up all day.

I need to be back on track…this is part of my healing, it’s part of dealing with the stress. I must remember Sarah in the psych hospital, still training against all odds.

Then we’ll see about writing again.

cross-posted to my blogs, Sarah Connor Charm School fora, Hooded Crow and Women of Strength LJ communities….sorry not links, that means altering them for various fora and I’m just too damned tired for that.

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